Tana Toraja
Festival of Rambu Solo.
The death person is cosidered as sick person before he is properly buried with ceremonial that they called Rambu Solo. It is a ceremony to honor the ancester and the deaths. Her/his body will be preserved . Then he will be wearing Toraja traditional clothing and kept in his house until the family is ready to celebrate the ceremonies
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Indonesian New Capital City (IKN) Inauguration
17 August 2024
The government of Indonesia is set to govern from the freshly built cities in IKN / Ibu Kota Nusantara, marked with the 79th Indonesian Independence day 17 August 2024 ceremony.
This newly built from scratch cities has a lot of vision ahead, as along a lot of controversy in its path to built. Aside from news of investmnet to built and enviroment issues, this new city bring a lot of promises to develop Indonesia 17,5000 island more evenly. And to developed a center of government from the city that future proof.
Built with the spirit and designed of sustainability environment friendly, raising a whole complex of human living in the new places made of dreams and forest is not easy. But started to succes, the infrastructure of the cities are almost complete to have Indonesian government to start.